What we do

The BALANCE UP INITIATIVE is a collection of individuals that have come together to tackle diversity & representation within Enterprise Technology. 

Primarily addressing a lack of representation amongst people of Black heritage, the BALANCE UP INITIATIVE is also aimed towards addressing ethnicity, gender & social economic inequalities across all business functions within Enterprise Tech. 

The program is focussed on raising awareness of the sector. This includes what it is, the opportunities it holds, and the skill sets that employers are looking for. In turn this will drive students towards the sector, which will help towards BALANCING UP society as a whole.

Our mission

Our history

Our members

Our method

Your time


To drive representation of people of Black heritage and ensure equal opportunities exist within the Enterprise Technology sector. 

Born out of a lack of diversity within the commercial functions of the Enterprise Technology sector, 3 individuals came together with different, yet complimentary, skill sets to make a difference.

A Enterprise Technologist, an Educator & a Change Agent, the trio set about a program of activities to drive awareness and change. 

Our members are amazing. All are technologists with a desire to ensure that future generations are given equal access to the Tech sector. They volunteer their time freely, working with schools to present their own stories and to educate on the roles that are available. They make the sector relevant, accessible and fun.

Simple. We visit schools and deliver a session lasting 50 minutes. In this time we deliver a short presentation, explaining what our sector is, does and why a career in Tech is great. Our members then share their own stories on how they got into Tech; making it clear, obvious and appealing to young people who would likely never have heard of Enterprise Tech.

The commitment is minimal;

SCHOOLS; Access to a class or year group where we will present for 50 minutes

MEMBERS; Time to get to the school, present the deck and onward share your story. Minimal prep time, maximum impact


Please contact us if you would like to be part of The BALANCE UP INITIATIVE as a member, or interested in us visiting your school.


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